Nick Jonas värd 82.000.000 danska kronor!!!!!!

Direktlänk / Jonas Brothers / Kommentarer (0)
Skrivet: 2011-03-17 Klockan: 16:42:33
Nick Jonas Worth 82 Million Danish Kroner

Nick Jonas mentioned in Danish magazine Kig Ind. From @SparklingDemi: The article says: 'Money: 82 million Danish kroner. If you are fast the Disney star and singer Nick Jonas (and his bank account) can still be yours. CDs, concerts and a bunch of Disney films and shows have given Nick an impressing sum on 82.000.000 kr. He goes after a good smile and does, by the way, believe in love at first sight, so you need to brush your teeth and find the 18 year old world star fast!'

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