Miley och Noah ute och shoppar tillsammans

Miley älskar sina japanska fans!
Billy Ray Cyrus told The View: 'I've dropped the divorce. I want to put my family back together.. Things are the best they've ever been. I feel like I got my Miley back. I feel like we're the daddy and daughter we were before Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana didn't ruin my family. Sometimes when you get in this ride, you feel like you're strapped to a rocket.
..I would love to set the record straight. I love Hannah Montana. I love Disney. I love our fans who've been with us throughout this whole show. This has been an incredible journey. When life turns into more of an interview or something out of a page than what you're living, then those lines can get blurred.. That didn't tear my family apart. Now fame, fame is a different animal.. you've got to be careful with that thing because it can.. all things considered, hey, it's all good.
My relationship with Miley is the best it's ever been. I feel like I kind of got my Miley back in a way. I feel like we are the daddy and the daughter that we were before Hannah Montana happened. Our communication, we have laughed a lot in the last couple of days. I was talking to Miley last night and she was talking about New York and then I noticed that she felt. There was a sadness. She sent me a picture and I thought it looked like she'd been crying and I asked her and she said 'Well there's some stuff about a picture and they said I was drunk.
I went back and relooked at the picture, and I go 'Baby, I'm sorry it's just got to be tough. She said ‘It's embarrassing. It hurts my feelings' and she said, most importantly, 'It was a lie. I wasn't drinking. I wasn't drunk. I was just trying to get to my car after a meeting. Communication, I think, is one of the biggest problems that we as human beings have in this whole world," he added, "and I think for the first time me and my entire family are finally communicating with each other in a way.. Things are really the best they've ever been.'
Liam Hemsworth + Amanda Bynes= Hångel på soffan

Miley efter gymmet

Miley Cyrus SYM
Miley CYrus på STARS & STRIKES Event

Miley CYrus v.s papparazzi igen!

Miley hjälper döva i haiti :')

Papparazzi kallar Miley FET!
Hannah Montana Forever SISTA STUNDERNA

Miley shoppar på Home Goods

Miley personliga bilder från 'Who Owns My Heart'

Alternativt slut på Hannah Montana
Miley backstage på jimmy fallon

Miley med sin nya röda hårfärg! (7 mars)


Lindsay Lohan 'upprörd' över Miley på SNL

En upprörd Lindsay Lohan skickade ett brev till 'Saturday Night Live' chefen Lorne Michaels och förklarade att hon var besviken på honom för att han lät Miley Cyrus göra henne till åtlöje, rapporterar TMZ. Lindsay har sett Lorne som en mentor och en fadersfigur och hon kände sig förrådd för att han lät Mley reta henne på TV. Miley sa i hennes öppnings monolog: 'I never stole a necklace or got a DUI.. never cheated on wife like that golfer guy.. so what if you can see a little boob from the side.. I'm sorry if I'm not perfect.'