Danielle and JB LIVE CHAT
Justin performs U Smile TCA 2010
Nya Taylor Swift låtar <3
Vad vi alla väntat på... FULL TEEN CHOICE AWARDS Part 1-7
Teen Choice Awards Interviews
JB till JB- 'Ha kul med din 3D film Bieber!'
Joe Jonas HOT IN CLEVELAND Interview
Selena hugs Buck
David Henrie MTV 10 on top
Zac ger Vanessa 'tips' under hennes stripp uppträdande
Jonas Bros JCPENNY
Nick SPEECH, Indiana
'Emily Osment Like Miley Cyrus W/ A Brain'
Selena vinner på Teen Choice Awards
Demi om Camp Rock 2 låtarna
Demi Lovato told MTV: 'I'm really excited for fans to hear pretty much all the songs. A lot of the songs are really fun and they're dance songs, but there's also songs that are kind of emotional. 'It's Not Too Late,' I really
enjoyed singing it. I loved performing it. And also 'Wouldn't Change a Thing' is a song that's really fun to perform because I really get to showcase my voice. 'Wouldn't Change..
..A Thing' sounds really great [performed live]. And it's fun too. We're having a good time with it.. You know, not all of the songs are emotional because it's a Disney musical movie, so we like to keep it really upbeat,
especially when it's aged towards a younger demographic.
Kids lose interest, so you have to keep it upbeat, but sometimes there are times where we pay more attention to the older crowd and one of the songs being 'It's Not Too Late.' Even though it's not my song that I wrote or even that's going to be on my album, I'm able to put my personal experiences into it. I really enjoy
singing, whether it's my own songs or other people's songs.'
Selena and Ellen DeGeneres
Haha, Selena bara I was told it wasn´t alcohol... cause it´s it´s bad! Good rolemodel. :)
Joe- 'We´re giving newbees a helpful hand'
Jake T. Austin pratar om framtiden
Kim K och Justin Biebs Elle shoot