Justin och Kim i BAHAMAS ... Igen

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Skrivet: 2010-08-11 Klockan: 18:42:33

Justin Bieber Kim K The Graduate Shoot

Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian photo shoot together in the Bahamas for the
 September issue of Elle Magazine. Kim wrote: 'Well, I can now reveal that we were
shooting for Elle Magazine! ..The theme of the shoot was 'The Graduate,' for obvious reasons, LOL.
 Justin and I had such a fun time together at the shoot.' Justin Bieber Kim K The Graduate Shoot

Justin Bieber Kim K The Graduate ShootJustin Bieber Kim K The Graduate ShootJustin Bieber Kim K The Graduate Shoot
Okeej, lite för vågat, kanske?
Justin Bieber Kim K The Graduate ShootJustin Bieber Kim K The Graduate Shoot
Justin: Jag älskar dig Kimmie!
Kim: Okej, seriöst Justin, släpp mig.Justin Bieber Kim K The Graduate Shoot
Fortfarande arg

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