Happy Birthday Selena!

Direktlänk / Selena Gomez / Kommentarer (0)
Skrivet: 2010-07-24 Klockan: 23:00:33

Selena chatted with MTV about her birthday party:
'[I'm going to have a] barbecue with my friends, Joey [King] is coming.
 We're gonna go swimming.' Joey, 'She finally took the fiberglass out of the pool. I slept over the other time
 and there was fiberglass in it!' Selena, 'All of a sudden Joey..

..starts screaming in my pool, like, 'Why is it burning?!' We took it out, so this time it'll be good. I promise.. Joey's like my sister,
 and I never had a sibling, so she's as close as I've got. She's still the Ramona. I go to her for advice.'

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