Helena Mirren- 'Miley is fantastic!'
Legendary actress Helen Mirren is 'thrilled' that sexed up controversial
pop stars Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus are embracing their sexuality.
In 1969's 'Age of Consent', Hellen stripped as the teenage muse of an older painter.
She told New York Magazine: 'I much prefer overt sexuality to sleazy, vulgar
prurience.. I was kind of a trailblazer because I demanded to do it my own way. I'd say
, 'I'm not having it put on me by someone else..' I'm thrilled young girls are claiming
their sexuality for themselves.
I love bold women like Madonna and Scarlett Johansson, sexy and gorgeous, but not
only that. And Miley Cyrus, fantastic! And Lady Gaga. I love the way she's elevated
pop to performance art, or dragged performance art down to pop, or maybe made a
wonderful amalgam of the two.'