Justin på Megamind premiere (29 oktober)

Direktlänk / Justin Bieber / Kommentarer (1)
Skrivet: 2010-10-31 Klockan: 09:51:47

#5975133 Megamind 3D Premiere Held at The Kodak Ballroom in Hollywood, California in October 30th, 2010.Justin Bieber. Fame Pictures, Inc - Santa Monica, CA, USA - +1 (310) 395-0500
Justin ska kanske sammarbeta med en av hans idoler, Chris Brown.
Chris Brown misshandlade sin ex-flickvän Rihanna 2009 men säger nu att han är en "bra kille".
#5975135 Megamind 3D Premiere Held at The Kodak Ballroom in Hollywood, California in October 30th, 2010.Justin Bieber. Fame Pictures, Inc - Santa Monica, CA, USA - +1 (310) 395-0500#5975130 Megamind 3D Premiere Held at The Kodak Ballroom in Hollywood, California in October 30th, 2010.Justin Bieber. Fame Pictures, Inc - Santa Monica, CA, USA - +1 (310) 395-0500justin bieber megamind 01justin bieber megamind 02justin bieber megamind 03
justin bieber megamind 04
justin bieber megamind 05justin bieber megamind 06justin bieber megamind 07justin bieber megamind 10justin bieber megamind 11
Hahah, justin tar kort på fotograferna!
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Postat av: I got the Miley Cyrus virus

jag tycker han passar bättre utan glasögon

2010-10-31 @ 10:47:24
URL: http://cyrusmiley.blogg.se/

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