Selena- 'Jag har aldrig sagt att jag vill vara en modeikon.'

Selena Gomez Charlotte Observer interview: '('..Baby One More Time') was the first CD I ever bought, and she was the first concert I ever went to. Whenever I have the meet-and-greets, little kids come up to me and say this is their first concert ever. I just know it's something they're gonna remember forever, because I remember my first concert. And it's just such an honor. So that's why I did the (Britney) tribute.'
Selena has a cameo in 'The Muppets' movie due this fall. Which women in Hollywood do you look up to? Emma Stone, because I feel like she is doing really great, fun roles, but also roles that display her talent. I love Rachel McAdams; she's a really great actress. I love Kate Winslet and Natalie Portman.
Is it stressful picking out what to put on in the morning? That question is so awkward because I've never said that I wanted to be a fashion icon. I don't dress for anybody but myself. I love clothes. I love dressing up and picking out beautiful things. But I think it's so surprising and funny when people say, 'Oh, what she wore yesterday was really cute,' and they wanna go wear it. It's very flattering, but I don't stress about it.