Var Nick Jonas den såliga pojkvännen?
Selena told Top Of The Pops: 'I wasn't myself for a year. I think that was really damaging. I felt like it was me who was always trying to be perfect for him. Everyone around me hated him but I didn't listen. I think I had to go through it because now I'm the strongest I've been. I dare someone to try and change me again.'
Selena admitted that she 'lost herself' in the relationship and lost her sense of fun until the romance was over: 'I always dressed nice. I don't think he ever saw me in sweatpants, and I love sweatpants. I'd always be well-mannered and go to his favourite restaurants or whatever. There was a point where I lost myself completely. I didn't smile as much, I didn't laugh as much. I wasn't a goofball. I didn't get up and dance like I usually do. And when that one ended, I didn't know where I was. But I got it back and was really happy. My family were happy to have me back.'