Justin köper 21.000 kr armband till Selena!
Justin Bieber is reportedly very in love with Selena Gomez, he was been calling phoning her 24/7 during his Irish My World Tour concerts. He's been spending hours on the phone to Selena before every show, reports Daily Mirror.
Security officials at the 02 in Dublin have been warned not to interrupt JB while he is on the phone with her. Justin also bough Sel a €3,000 diamond bracelet and sent it to her. 'Justin will break the hearts of his thousands of Irish Beliebers because he's been on the phone nearly 24/7 to Selena during the Ireland visit.
They've been texting, calling & even tweeting around the clock to keep in touch. He keeps telling everyone how much he missed her. Justin was looking for a gift for Selena when he hit the shops at the start of his trip.
He found a beautiful bracelet with diamonds along it and thought it was perfect. Even though Justin has been plucking an Irish girl from the crowd for a romantic song at each of his gigs, the reality is he only has eyes for Selena.
He's totally loved up and he's admitted to really missing her during the Dublin trip. He was trying to get her to come over for the visit but her work commitments wouldn't allow it.'
För er som inte förstod så står det att Justin är jättekär i Selena, och att han ringer och messar henne typ hela tiden. Han har köpt en 21.000 kr diamantarmband till henne och han har försökt få henne att hälsa på henne men hennes jobb kontrakt tillät inte det.