Justin- 'Jag kommer jaga tjejer som har Someday'

Justin Bieber chatted w/ Ryan Seacrest about his perfume Someday: 'I wanted to do a fragrance for women basically because I want to be smelling the girls neck, I want to tell the girls what I like, what I think is going to be hot and what’s attractive to me so I wanted to make a fragrance that i think will be appealing
and make me want to chase the girl that I smell. It just smells really good, its not too strong, it’s like a nice, spring, light smell. It's not just a young girl perfume, it’s definitely marketed for teenagers, but I think that even moms will smell it and be like, ‘that’s a good smell’ and tell the store they’re buying it..
..for their kids but really they’re spraying it on themselves. The commercial will premiere after Glee, it's shot in a zero gravity plane.. so we were floating and to be honest I got real sick when I was up there.'