Selena i Teen Vouges Juni/Juli 2011 nummer

Selena Gomez in June/ July 2011 issue of Teen Vogue: 'A lot of times, the paparazzi will try to use them. They’ll say, ‘Your fans want this.’ And it’s frustrating because my fans are amazing: They love me, they support me. And I do everything for them. But the press? They don’t care about me. They just want something on me that they can use. They just want to get that shot.
When your heart is broken, you want to hate everything. You want to say, ‘I don’t believe in love; this is ridiculous. It’s not supposed to hurt this much.’ But at this moment in my life, I’m at a point where I want to be in love, to give my all and fall head over heels. I’m eighteen. I’m not going to marry anybody I’m with, and I know that. The next heartbreak I have, I’m sure I’ll be like, ‘How can I live without this person?’ But I’m still trying to dive in and enjoy it.'
On leaving Disney: 'It’s like starting over. I was trying to explain it to one of my friends, and he said, ‘You’ll be fine. People believe in you.’ But when they’re putting together a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio, I don’t think they’re going to go, ‘Selena Gomez would be great for this!’ I’m not an option. It’s humbling, having to go from this Disney high back down to having to fight for roles.