Alla som säger att Justin har bögröst
Vill ni se Pretty Little Liars här?

Chict eller Fail?
Nick and Joe Jonas new fanpictures
Miley LOVE FOR LONDON behind the scenes
Demi having fun w/ friends
Nick Jpnas soccer team
Taylor slammed for smoking on stage
Taylor Momsen has been slammed for lighting up illegally onstage on Sunday. Taylor was performing with The Pretty Reckless in Carson, California when she took time out from their set to smoke. Taylor, 16, is two years below the legal age to buy and smoke cigarettes in the state of California.
Demi South American tour video
Jennifer Stone in her night gown
Ny Jennifer Stone twitter bild
Miley tops 100,000 sales FIRST WEEK
Justin clears up rumors
Nummer 3 var definitivt viktigast för mig. Och 1 såklart ;P
Joe and Demi Breakup talk
Miley spends $24,000 on her extensions
Miley Ray Cyrus recently spent $24,000 on hair extensions. An insider told InTouch Weekly: 'Miley bought the best hair possible, and then had it dyed to match hers exactly. Her hair is an investment.' Miley is said to have flown the extensions in from Italy to New York to hairstylist Kristina Barricelli at Gemini 14 salon. Then her hairstylist was flown to LA to attach them.
Kevin Jonas hugs a pillow tightly after telling a spooky ghost story in this brand-new still from Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam.
In the upcoming flick, Mitchie (Demi Lovato), Shane (Joe Jonas), Jason (Kevin), Nate (Nick Jonas) and their friends return to Camp Rock for another great summer of music and fun.
However they soon learn that a new state-of-the-art music/performance camp, Camp Star, has opened across the lake and has lured away many of Camp Rock instructors and campers—putting the future of Camp Rock in jeopardy.
Camp Rock 2 The Final Jam premieres Friday, September 3rd
Fan picture w/ Miley
Vanessa- 'I´m going to be doing movies kids can´t watch'
Vanessa in issue of GLAMOUR. Do you feel pressure to behave a certain way being a Disney girl? It’s so funny. Because before High School Musical, I wanted to be a nitty-gritty actress. And High School Musical came along, and, I was like, 'Oh my God, fun!' But the more we did it, the more prude I became..
When I am around kids and they come up to me, of course I am going to act a certain way, but at the end of the day, I’m doing this for myself. I’m going to be doing movies kids can’t watch. On getting anxiety at events: I get hot flashes! [Laughs.] I can’t breathe, and I get claustrophobic. It’s a very odd business. I do it because I love acting, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.
On not house hunting with Zac: I mean, maybe.. maybe house hunting for houses on our own. I mean.. which, I’m not. And he’s not, at the moment. So no. No. I just bought my house two years ago, and I adore it. I have this Moroccan-y room on the top floor. It’s the sexy cool room that I’ve always wanted.
On naked pictures leaking: I think that it has made me stronger. But it still hurts. It sucks because [the photos were] supposed to be private, but at the same time a lot of actresses do it [in movies]. Eventually, I’m sure that I will [too]. But I don’t know if I would be able to do it now.
How many pairs of jeans do you have? Oh my God. Like, probably 100. I like Current/Elliott or J Brand. My favorite pair is my J Brand 10-inch skinny leg. They are cropped, but because I’m so short, they fit me perfectly
'Twilight is the Jonas Brothers of movies'
Twilight is the Jonas Brothers of movies, according to MSNBC. What happens when you remove the sex from both vampires and rock? You get the Twilight movies and the Jonas Brothers. Exhibit B: Not until you’re married. Each of the homeschooled Jonas Brothers has worn a purity ring. Joe said, 'the rings are a promise to ourselves and to God that we’ll stay pure till marriage.'
Their 'pure till marriage' vow follows 'Twilight’s' strategy, fans will have to wait until the fourth movie for some hot hot hot vampire lovin’. Within the bounds of marriage, of course. Exhibit C: Hair: Both Jonas Brothers and vampire Edward Cullen have the most amazing, architecturally unsound hairdos. A little known fact: Edward himself is 86 percent hair product, 14 percent gristle.
Exhibit I: False danger: Both properties sell manufactured attitude, false intimacy and a safe rock ‘n’ roll rebelliousness that could only be marketed by Disney. Comedy Central’s 'South Park' already expertly parodied the Jonas Brothers for selling sex to tweens while marketing a 'pure' family image. All this while singing lyrics like, 'I fell / So fast /Can’t hold myself back / high heels /red dress / all by yourself.' Is anyone else catching Little Red Riding Hood hypocrisy from JB?
Exhibit J: Neutered and non-threatening: The Cullens are vampires, but not the bad kind of vampires. They live in a family structure, send their kids to school and don’t feed on humans. Similarly, the Jonas Brothers are a rock band, but not the bad kind of rock band. They come from a good family of absolutely no threat to you or your daughter’s honor. It’s rock, but completely safe and neutered
Miley video+pix
HM new song
Taylor one of the most powerful celebs
Forbers' 100 Most Powerful Celebrities for 2010: 6 Britney Spears, 12 Taylor Swift, 13 Miley Cyrus, 40 Jonas Brothers, 50 Robert Pattinson and 66 Kristen Stewart.
Ashley Greene- 'I love Miley´s new songs!'
Ashley Greene making out with boyfriend Brock Kelly in a Los Angeles parking garage and walking around. Ashley responded to Miley Cyrus vampire hatred: 'That's so unfortunate because I love her new songs..
I'm going to sit Miley down and force her to watch Twilight.' Kellan Lutz added: 'She hasn't met me then. I would change her opinion on that, I'm sure. I have my ways.'
Alicia Keyes gravid
Jag hade ingen aning om att Alicia Keyes var gravid!!
Ne-Yo ska bli Pa-Pa!
Ne-Yo avslöjade nyligen för reportrarna på Ebony Magazine att han väntar sitt första barn tillsammans med flickvännen Monyetta Shaw! Sångaren berättade hur han blev tillsagd att flyga hem till Atlanta för en stor överraskning, och överraskningen visade sig vara ett besök till Monyettas första ultraljud! Det finns ännu ingen information om barnets kön eller om det lyckliga paret planerar att gifta sig men vi fick i alla fall veta att barnet kommer födas någon gång i januari.
Grattis Ne-Yo!
Fergie lämnar Black eyed peas?
"Fergie säger att hon vill lämna bandet och den andra halvan av turnen under är inte heller fastställd. Saker och ting har varit riktigt illa mellan Will.I.Am och Fergie, och hon är inte den enda som tycker att Will.I.Am betett sig väldigt taskigt på sistonde. Hans ego har inga gränser. Fergie vill bara komma bort från allt.
Jag vet inte om hon kommer neka ryktena, men jag vet att det är 100 procent sant. Hon har redan planerat allt och ingen kan få henne att ändra sig. Hon vill verkligen ha barn med Josh. Och med det i åtanke och allt bråk med Will så verkar det som om turnen 2011 inte kommer bli av och bandet förmodligen kommer också att splittrats."
Dagens bild
BET winners
De som vann priser på BET awards 2010 som hölls igår kväll är:
Kevin Jonas POOL RUDE
From Kenzi: I met Kevin Jonas around 9:00 last night, I just got out of the pool and I was going to go home, but then I saw everyone crowded near a car so my friends and I ran over towards the car and started banging on the window.
He went through this garage and we ran to the other end, he was walking with about three bodyguards to his hotel room so I chased them all the way into the hotel. The first thing he said to me was 'oh my god, ew. You are soaking wet..'
And I kept saying I was sorry but he was just being really rude back. Kevin the whole day seemed like he didn't want to be there at all. He had no excitement towards the fans either, he got on stage read of a piece of a paper then just left.
Justin wants a RED BULL
Selena Gomez special BET apperance
THOMAS STURGE- med Vanessa eller Miley?
Sel- 'I keep getting hurt by the same person'
Noah, för ung för att färga håret?
Vad tycker ni, är man för ung när man är 10 år gammal?
Miam MAKING OUT in the park
påminner mig om....
Demi twitpic
Ny JONAS L.A preview
Jemi HOTTEST photoshoot + intervju
OMG! Jag älskar den här bilden!
Den här också...
Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato featured in TEEN VOGUE! More pictures HERE, a look back at their relationship HERE & get their photo shoot look HERE. Video under! Whose idea was it to take the next step? Joe: Mine. Demi: I had always fancied him. Want to know what actually happened? One night I asked him,
'What is the deal? We're perfect for each other. What are you doing?' And he was like, 'This is really awkward. I have to go.' Joe: I needed time to think. Demi: And I thought, Great, I just ruined a friendship. But the next day, he came knocking at my door. Joe: Once she confronted me, I kind of confronted myself.
Was it hard to see each other with other people? Demi, 'Every girlfriend he had, I always wanted to have a friendship with, because I felt like if she was worthy enough to be with him, then she must be great. It sucked, watching, but I was always happy for him.' Joe: It wasn't easy. Demi: Sometimes it was like,
'So my boyfriend is so awesome.' 'Well, my girlfriend is really great.' 'Good for you!' [laughs] Joe wanted the breakup. Demi: We haven't spent any time together since everything, because that would be awkward, but I'm sure things will go totally back to normal once we're on tour together.
It's just that at this point I'd rather be hanging out with my girlfriends than seeing my ex. Joe: In this business, it's really hard to find people who are going to be there for the rest of your life. When I met Demi, I knew right away that our friendship was really strong. I don't want to lose that ever.
David and Lorenzo Henrie The Wheeler Boys
Kristen och Taylor om Miley
Kristen stewart och Taylor Laytner har svarat på Mileys tidigare uttalande om att hon inte är ett stort fan av Eclipse och vamyrer.
Kristen: Is she scared of them or does she just not like them? I don´t think you should convince people of something if they alrady have theire way of thinking about it. Whatever, if she hates vampires, thats cool.
Taylor: As long as she likes werewolves we´re cool.
Jaden Smith suprises Nikki Reed
Fan picture with Nick and Frankie
Miley- 'My mom is proud of me everytime'
Miley interview: 'The Climb' is the best thing that's ever happened to me. It went on ..every different kind of radio. I met everyone. I met 3-year-olds, I met 30-year-olds, I met 80-year-olds. ..I got so many different fans.'
Joan Ulrich worries about the affect Miley's recent sexy behavior will have on her young nieces: 'Their mom bought them tickets to see her show and they were so excited about her. They had her videos, T-shirts, the whole thing. Then she evolves into this sex kitten and there's no control with her.'
Miley said her critics are unhappy with their own lives: 'It's just kind of a sad thing to think about people and how they are. I never really let it affect me. My mom is at the side of that stage and if I ever felt I was disappointing her or not making her proud, I would not do the things I do, but she's proud of me every time.'
Miley on why Hannah Montana needed to be canceled: 'We would just destroy what we did if we continued to do it for too much longer, because it would become more of a kid show than a family show. It would be hard not to make it more immature. You've done 101 episodes. What else can Hannah get into?'
On Disney support: 'I don't care how big a company is. You can't say, `You can't do this' or`You have to do that,' because then I'm not an artist. Then you're a robot. That's not who I am. I don't classify myself (as) the face of what Disney needs me to be. ..I'm myself so otherwise they'd have to hire someone else, because I'm not that person.'
Fan pictures
Pictures from Genelle, Leah & Michelle S: Just got back from the Demi Lovato concert in San Diego and it was AMAZING:) I was in the VIP section, it was sooo hot and the guy behind me got arrested. Also, someone passed out and an ambulance came and got her, so the concert got delayed.
I stood in line for 5 hours to get a good seat in VIP. She sang Don't Forget and she got a little teary.. ahemm Joe Jonas. She also brought up a cute little girl to sing This Is Me! Meet and Greet: The people at Microsoft were very strict, and Demi had her own poster she would sign! But I had a picture of Demi and Miley I wanted signed. The lady said NO!
And she offered to hold it while I met Demi, but I said no. I printed out my own picture, so I wanted it signed. I hid it in my purse and when I met Demi, I had her sign the pic of her and Miley. Demi said 'AHH.. such a cute picture' ..and laughed with her Demi laugh
Demi SAN DIEGO concert
Jonas londonmeeting
Em and Mitchel
Miam and Mate promenerar i Toulca Lake
1 year, rip mj

RIP MJ. Jag förstår inte hur det kan ha varit 1 år sen världen förlorade den otroligt tanlangfulla, legendariska, godhjärtade Michael Jackson. Men ändå verkar ingen riktigt bry sig om honom. Folk säljer hans t-shirts, gör filmer, böcker, låtar och utnyttjar hans död till max. Ingen verkade bry sig om honom innan han dog, och det tycker jag är synd, att dö och tro att alla är emot en fast få hela världens kärlek när man är borta och när det är försent.
Vi saknar Michael Joseph Jackson och bless his family.
Bieber search
Justin Bieber is so popular that Google created his OWN search engine called BieberSearch so fans can look up anything about him him and enjoy pictures of his face. The Jonas Brothers were also given JonasGoogle, a similar site
OMg vad coolt!
I´m not burning my Hannah wig
Miley Cyrus chatted with Daily Record about her legendary Hannah Montana wig: 'I'm not going to burn it. I made a joke and people took it very literally and pictured me over my campfire and actually burning my $10,000 wig and Disney's pride and joy, so I'm not going to do that to people's dreams.
I was just kidding. I'll probably keep one and someone will take the other and put it in a museum or something. I'd like to keep one, so if I ever want to do it again, I could. My little sister wants to wear it to school the next day, so, yeah, I think she'll have to have a bodyguard.
Selena Gomez in sexy blue bikini
Selena looks adorable wearing a blue bikini while filming her latest movie 'Monte carlo'
south of France.
Like v.s You know- Miley
Stoner- "Camp rock dancing was intense!"
Demi and Tiffany
Ashley Tisdale on set
Miley and Tish leaving medical building
Hannah montana SEASON 4 preview
Mitt internet fungerar inte så bra just nu så vi får se hur det går med uppdateringen. :)
Och om ni undrar något skriver ni bara på bloggsvar. <3
Vem är det??
Pictures from aFRICa
Meesage from Joe in Africa
Nick chatting with fans
Justin- thank you for screaMING
Justin Bieber shows off his purple pride as he performs at the Sun National Bank Center in Trenton, New Jersey on Thursday night (June 24).
The 16-year-old musician is having a blast on tour so far. Justin tweeted, “In Trenton…Stunners on stage now…we r rockin xbox in the back. Serious hockey battle going on. I’m canadian. Hockey is our thing. Another great night…thank you to all the fans that came and SCREAMED!!! hahaha.. I love u ladies.”
Lady Gaga falls in LONDON
miley mtv intervju
Demi colombian intervju
Demi Lovato interview from Colombian Magazine Aló. Even as Miley Cyrus says goodbye to Hannah Montana with its last season, Disney Channel seems to have found the perfect replacement with one of her best friends; Demi Lovato. On her career:
I think I have to give the credit to my theatre teacher in Dallas, Texas. Her name is Cathryn Sullivan. There's a lot of actors that take the same lessons with this woman, and you will get surprised if you know how many people she helps to get to the place in which they are. We owe her a lot.
What on your iPod? I have three. Gravity, from Sara Barellies, Need you now from Lady Antebellum.. I love it, and Heartbreak Warfare from John Mayer. After the breakup with Joe, Demi found the best therapy at the hairdresser and trips, now she change the tone of her hair and went on vacation to Mexico with her family before the tour with the Jonas Brothers.
What was the most romantic date you had? We had a lot, and all of them were amazing, but the best I think it was one time I went to Joe's house and he cooked pizza and after a good fondue, we saw a movie. He had a lot of candles, it was really beautiful, and we didnt leave house for anything, but it was great to stay at home, making pizza, because it is something I love.
On filming Camp Rock 2: Well, we were not toghether when we made the movie, we were just really good friends y we will always be. The only thing it changes is that we will work together much more, but really, when we made the movie we were just friends.
Jennete från iCarly fyllde år igår
Grattis! :)
Kristen & Taylor sjunger miley låtar på karaoke
What did they perform? Taylor said: 'We did a few! I'd say the hit of the night was probably 'The Climb'.' Kristen piped in: 'No! It was 'Party In The USA'!'
sarah mclachlan
Sarah McLachlan chatted with Parade about Miley Cyrus & Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez will perform at Lilith Fair which means fun for the tweens: 'I'm pretty sure she's the youngest. [My daughter] is pretty excited about that. She was hoping for Miley, too. But I couldn't swing that this time.'
On Miley's sexy transition to adulthood: 'She's 17. Imagine if you had a camera following you around. Do you remember what you were doing when you were 17? In a way, I feel really bad for her. She can't just be a stupid teenager, everything she does is so scrutinized. She's 17! She's probably thinking, 'Screw you all!' She's been a good girl for so long and she's rebelling now.'
Will Miley make it through the controversy: 'You know what, she's got a lot of talent. There's going to be some pissed off people and some upset kids, and probably some even more upset parents. But it's kind of a natural progression that she does this. I'm sure she's a good kid at heart.
She certainly seems like she's got, for the most part, some really good sense and really good parents. I don't know her personally and I'm not one to judge. Really, ultimately, I feel bad that she has to grow up in the spotlight the way she is, that she can't just go off and do some stupid things and no one would know about it. Now everybody knows about it.'
Many teens and parents are having trouble accepting girl next door Miley Cyrus' sexy and provocative new image. interviewed a child development expert on how to help get over the shock of Miley stripping down on stage. If you or your child is having a hard time accepting an idol’s new persona, it’s important to do more than just talk about it, you have to hear your child’s perspective.
Ask questions that spark discussion ['How does this new image compare with what you used to love about Hannah?’] rather than pass judgment ['Do you think she looks inappropriate?']. Discuss the ideas of image and marketing, and ask them what they think Cyrus is trying to do.
'What garners attention is not the typical, it’s the outrageous, it’s the edgy, it’s about any attention you can get. What sells?’ If your teen is trying to dress and act like the new, more adult Miley Cyrus, 'don’t panic,’ The more you push back and yell out your disgust, the more your daughter may cling to what you hate. She’s a teenager, after all!’’
selena on the set of monte carlo in paris
Camilla Kerslake- 'Had a lovely lunch with Nick!'
Nick- 'Diabetes won´t slow me down!'
Nick Jonas Simple Wins: This Month I have been in London rehearsing the role of Marius in Les Miserables. I will make my debut on the Queen's Theatre Stage June 21st. London's West End has such a buzz to it just like Broadway..
..does in New York City. It is quite the honor for me as I was in Les Miserables in New York when I was 10. Last month, Bayer and I launched the Give Back, Simply Win Contest to recognize the good work people with diabetes are doing in their communities. We have been getting a lot of great entries, picking the..
..three winners is going to be very difficult. It is so important to give back when you can. If you haven't entered go to and tell us about all the great ways you give back. I know you guys are out there doing good and I'm really excited to read all about it. Be sure to catch the new season of 'JONAS..
..LA' which premiered on June 20. My Simple Win: Enjoying my life every day and never letting diabetes slow me down even when rehearsing non-stop for a Broadway or West End show! -Nick
Miley- 'I hate vampires!'
Pop Goddess Miley Cyrus announced to E! that she is Team Jacob and hates vampires:
'I hate vampires.' Does Miley watch the hit vampire TV show True Blood?
'What channel is that on? We don't have HBO. My mom only gets about 10 channels at their house. So we don't watch a lot of TV. We don't know what's on. All we have is like the Disney Channel and Nick at Nite because my sister is only 10 years old.'
Will she ever watch True Blood:
'I'll think about it. I'll have to YouTube it.. Or you can send me the DVDs.'
Miley and Liam studio city date
Miley är så fin utan förlängningar! Outfit: 8/10 <3
Emily Osment- Let´s be friends
Camp rock 2
Mean Girls 2 update
Meaghan Jette Martin will be playing 'Jo' in Mean Girls 2. Meaghan told OU that 'Jo' will parallel Cady Heron in the upcoming flick that is to film this summer in Atlanta, Georgia alongside Desperate Housewives actress Maiara Walsh.
Ice Cube and Ice Demi
Nick Jonas and fans
From Olivia: My friends and I met Nick today after his matinee performance of Les Mis.
My friend knows someone in the show and he was kind enough to take is in back stage so we could meet him properly.
Nick came down these steps, and said hello to us, shaking our hands.
He was so polite! He asked us what we thought of the show, and we said we'd really enjoyed it.
We all got pictures with him and then he signed our programmes.
I said that I was really looking forward to the tour, and he replied saying 'Thank you, see you there.'
Then he said he was going to meet his brothers for dinner.
It was a surreal but amazing experience!
can´t be tamed #1 VH1 COUNTDOWN
'Can't Be Tamed' sold 115-125k in it's opening week.
Magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck at Ontario-Quebec border
region of Canada on Wednesday, the US Geological Survey said,
shaking homes and businesses from Canada's capital
Ottawa to West Virginia. No injuries have been reported
Disney people at 16 WISHES/NYLON PARTY
Selena 5 million on facebook
Q & A
Hörde du att Miley ´Löööves´ Kristen Stewart
SVAR: Hon sa att hon lyssande på Joan Jett och
The runaways inte Kristen hon har också sagt
att hon inte gillar Twilight .
Men det gör jag, ;).
selena i Paris igår
Miley Nashville rising performance
Selena #2 på iTunes!
Selena´s låt Round and Round ligger 2:A på iTunes listan. Låten toppade Miley´s Can´t be tamed.
Grattis Selly, men synd för Miley. <3
Demi CABO photoshoot
Kristen och Taylor Sverige Söta
A “Twilight” fan event was held in Hovet, Stockholm on June 21, 2010 to promote the new ‘Twilight: Eclipse movie.
Selena filming Monte Carlo in pARIS
MMva more pix
HAHA Katy what the heck är det?
Can´t be tamed House Of blues 21/6 2010
Min 3åriga lillasyster om viedon- Det e Michael Jackson´s storasyster tror jag. Michael har ingen lillebror
ingen lilllasyster bara hon (Miley). HAHA! :)
Trace- Ashley Tisdale is the worst person I´ve ever met!'
Miley i 'Women's Day'
Miley Ray Cyrus featured in New Zealand magazine 'Women's Day': Miley Cyrus sure is trying her best to break free of her squeaky-clean image and shake off any resemblance to the wholesome teen queen we know from Disney's Hannah Montana. The 17-year-old, good-gone-bad singer, who has copped a lot of..
..criticism for being a poor role model to her teen followers, gave her raunchiest performance yet at infamous club G-A-Y in London. In an attempt to promote her album Can't Be Tamed, Miley stripped down in front of a largely homosexual crowd to her black dress, which had sections cut out and clearly showed her..
..underwear. This comes after Miley tried to imitate Britney Spears, appearing to share a lesbian kiss with one of her dancers on the UK show Britain's Got Talent. What other surprises await us from the starlet? Maybe she'll pull a Paris or a Kendra next, and get herself tangled up in a sex tape scandal
Demi- 'My sister gave my dad a Pet rock!'
Miley in tight superhot black dress
Push up?
Miley CAN´T BE TAMED MMVA´S performance
Miley GMA Backstage video
Mean Girls 2
Helena Mirren- 'Miley is fantastic!'
Legendary actress Helen Mirren is 'thrilled' that sexed up controversial
pop stars Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus are embracing their sexuality.
In 1969's 'Age of Consent', Hellen stripped as the teenage muse of an older painter.
She told New York Magazine: 'I much prefer overt sexuality to sleazy, vulgar
prurience.. I was kind of a trailblazer because I demanded to do it my own way. I'd say
, 'I'm not having it put on me by someone else..' I'm thrilled young girls are claiming
their sexuality for themselves.
I love bold women like Madonna and Scarlett Johansson, sexy and gorgeous, but not
only that. And Miley Cyrus, fantastic! And Lady Gaga. I love the way she's elevated
pop to performance art, or dragged performance art down to pop, or maybe made a
wonderful amalgam of the two.'
Selena, Leighton och Katie i Paris
Alla såg så vackra ut och JAG ÄLSKAAAR KLÄDERNA!! <33
Chelsea Staub om Joe
Chelsea- 'Joe är så rolig och väldigt, otroligt attraktiv, han får mig att skratta. Jag menar, Kevin är äldre och gift, Nick och Nicole är i ungefär samma ålder så de hänger ganska mycket tillsammans, då är det bara jag och joe kvar och vi spenderar mycket tid tilsammans.
Verkar som om Chels har en 'crush' på Joe?
Miam at LAX
Kämdisarna på MMVA galan
Real hot Katy, real hot....
Finally the pics from MMVA´S! Miley´s HOT performance
Så fina!! <33333
Visste ni att...
... Brenda´s mamma har kämpat mot bröstcancer i 6 år?
'I was only 16 when it first happened and it was really difficult because I didn’t understand what was going on..I didn’t cry at first because I was in shock. My mom is so amazing, and she was so open about everything. She talked my family through it, she never wanted us to stop living.. Life goes on, as scary as it is. For me, the most important thing was to go to the doctor meetings, and learn what was going on,
..this way I wouldn’t be scared when she went for treatments. Going through this has made me realize life is short. My mom’s good, and it’s just one day at a time. I think everything happens for a reason that there is a lesson in everything. It really teaches you to live each day and to cherish each day.'
Svar på tal!
Hejhej:) Jag har skaffat en SEX&KÄRLEKSBLOGG,
och jag undrar om du kan vara snäll och hjälpa mig med
att kolla runt och se vad du tycker är bra eller dåligt:)Skulle vara kul
om du kunde hjälpa:) Tack på förhand. Började logga för en vecka sen, och
alla vill ju försöka lyckas:)
Svar: Hej, jag hoppas det går bra med din blogg och så, men tyvärr så tror jag
inte att jag är den rätta tjejen för jobbet, jag kan inte så mycket på de områdena. Kram och Lycka till :)
Demi om tatueringen
It says "you make me beautiful" from Bethany Dillon's song 'Beautiful'.. That song changed my life.
Demi v.s Miley- Vem gör som vem eller gör de båda bara vad de vill?

Demi- Mörkt eller ljust?
Ashley and Maui in Toronto
Miley singing BAD ROMANCE
Amanda Bynes- 'I´m done acting'
Joe flirtar redan med tjejer!
Joe Jonas tried to get the attention of a hot blond girl at LA Lakers vs. Phoenix Suns game by sending her a hot dog and Coke. The delighted girl gave him her name and phone number. A source revealed: 'The girl was totally surprised to find out her snack was courtesy of Joe Jonas.'
She wrote her name and number on a napkin and asked the waiter to give it to Joe. Joe recently broke up with Demi Lovato: 'Demi and I knew going into our romantic relationship that it may not be an easy one. I realize over the time we have shared together that I feel I care more about our friendship right now.'
STACKARS DEMI! <3 de gjorde precis slut
Bilder+ Mtv intervju Miley- 'Vi har bara 10 kanaler hemma!'
Miley Ray Cyrus
The people that are around me, they bring me the good things, and I never see anything or read anything that's bad because it's never e-mailed to me by my manager or publicist or whoever. That's the job of the team that I have around me: to make sure that those things aren't talked about.
A lot of people say there's things that are on the Internet about me, or whatever, and then they go, 'Well if that's you, how do you expect people to buy your record when your fans are kids?' My record isn't the bullcrap that people write about me. My record is what I want to say and what I think is important.'
From Nellie: I saw Miley perform 'Party In The USA' and 'Can't Be Tamed' & she looked good actually. When everyone yelled out her name she'd turn around, wave and smile. She also was joking around with the dancers, and was like slapping their butts
Justin and Miley´s MMVA rehersals
WOW! Vilka miner Justin!
Miley! Bad girl.... Haha!
Selena HEY covergirl
Kevin´s 6 month´s anniversery gift to Dani
The blog is on! Första inlägget- Justin i skolan
Justin Bieber Seventeen utdrag: You have a private tutor now, but what were you like in school? I was on the basketball and chess teams. I didn't actually have a lot of friends in school. Guys were jealous because I played sports, so there was some trash talking. But I had a lot of girlfriends.
Are you worried about your changing voice? We've had to change some of the high notes on 'Baby'. I can't hit them anymore. But I look at Justin Timberlake and Usher. They started out as young singers, and they developed and had even better careers as they got older, so I think things can only up from here.
Seems like you have a future in comedy: I'd like to do movies, that would show my comedic side as well as my serious side. I'd love to do a sports movie, like one about hockey.. The harder you work the more successful you can be. This is just the beginning. What do you have planned for your tour? There will be lots of dancing and lots of explosions. It's going to be exciting
Fråga på <3
Demi Lovato dejtar nu och vilka hon har dejtat eller hur lång Selena
Gomez är...? GO AHEAD AND ASK!
Förlåt, har bloggtorka.............
Jag kommer inte att blogga på en tid av vissa anledningar, men bloggen fortsätter att uppdatera den 20 juni :)
my dikt:
Without pain, there will be no happiness.
Without hate, there will be no love.
So look around you, and see what´s really
precious. Look around you, and soon
you´ll discover a friend.
and a goodbye song.
Message from Selena
Hey Everyone--
Some important dates coming up......
less than two weeks away from the World premiere
of my new music video "Round and Round" on Disney Channel.
Less than two months away from the launch of my new
clothing line Dream Out Loud in K-Mart August 1st. I hope
everyone is doing well, Monte Carlo is coming a...long great
and Budapest is gorgeous. Miss home very very
much though can't wait to get back.
Take care and God Bless.
JB twitpic
Justin-'The biggest crowd of my life!'
O.M.G sverige måste slå den här publiken.
Alla med alla :)
Ex true BFF <3 MISS U GUYS
Selena personal pictures
Demi personal pictures
Fashion Faceoff! Demi v.s Random Girl
Taylor twitpic
tay and justin
Här uppträder tay och jb
Selena v.s Nicky hiltiön
Joe and Nicks fan pics
Joe and Nicks fan pics
dEMI on regis and kelly 2010-06-03 (dålig kvalité)
Miley performs at G-A-Y HEAVEN
Demi new photoshoot
New York Post: Beyonce Knowles and Kelly Rowland are still tight after their days together as members of Destiny’s Child. Just after Rowland checked into the Empire Hotel Thursday night, Knowles arrived there with her bodyguard, who waited two hours in the lobby while she visited her old bandmate in a suite upstairs.
mILEY wonder world tour DVD sneak peak
Demi Lovato Zapping Zone COLOMBIA
Selena dream out loud behind the scenes
Joe in LONDON!
Behind the scenes of Tays photoshoot
Chad asks Sonny out!
Justin v.s Justin
omg haaha!
tjejen- you´re leaving?
Justin- Yeah
tjejen- But you gotta say bye..
Justin- I´m not leaving the set im just taking my stuff to the car.
killen- That´s a lie, he´s leaving, Hahaha!
Kristen- 'Jag är verkligen ledsen'
har bett om ursäkt för siit val av ord när hon jämförde papparzzi bilderna av sig själv med bilder av en kvinna som blir våldtagen. Kristen berättade för People: "Jag gjorde verkligen ett enormt misstag, tydligt och självklart. Jag är verkligen ledsen för mitt val av ord. Jag har gjort dumma kommentarer tidigare.
Iyaz- 'Miley tells you straigh up!'

Miley Ray Cyrus' brand new 'BFF' Iyaz chatted with Hollywood Life about how glorious she is:
'She’s funny as hell. She does not hold her tongue.
She will crack on you.
If you came in the room right now,
with a booger hanging out of your nose she’ll tell you straight up!
I met her at the Teen Choice Awards, that was like last year.
But her and I since then,
you know, we cool, we text.'
New episode
sry hittar inte part 3 ni kan leta på youtube
Talang 2010 vinnare- Jill Svensson
jätteduktig hon är!
bara 14 år gammal
Selena nominated for Fav American Latino aCTOR
Selena has been nominated for the American Latino Awards in the category of Favorite American Latino Actor!
Behind the scenes of Justins seventeen photoshoot
Nick LES miserables rehersals
Miley did NOT kiss a girl
Ja, ja men Miley kysser inte nes henne på rikigt så whatever
OMG! Chase crawford är i fängelset
Chase arrested for marijuana.
Justin Bieber interview with Seventeen.
How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I was 13. We dated for a little bit.
Who's your celebrity crush? Beyoncé. She's awesome. I need to do a song with her, I need to do everything with her.
What's the girl fashion trend that confuses you?
Uggs. I think they're ugly. And I think big sunglasses are kind of overrated. I like big sunglasses but not those huge, round ones.
What's the girly movie that you secretly love?
I like The Notebook.
What's your TV guilty pleasure? I like Smallville. I don't get the chance to watch a lot of TV because I'm busy a lot.
What's your dream job? I'd like to be an architect. That would be cool. I like drawing.
What's your worst habit? Eating too much candy. I like Sour Patch Kids.
What did you dream about last night? I dreamt about blackness because I don’t dream. I just fall asleep, see black, and wake up.
How much money is in your wallet right now?
I don't own a wallet. I just stuff it in my pocket. And I don't carry money, I carry my credit card.
Smiley Miley out in London
Message from Miley
inga fler inlägg idag :) godnatt mina söta läsare <3
Justin twitpic
Demi new twitpic
Demi arrives at LAX
More pics from Demis GLM photoshoot w/ D. Foreman
Demi MTV
Joe, Chels and Chloe
Joe Jonas, Chelsea Staub, Frankie Jonas and Chloe Bridges attended the Kari Feinstein
MTV Movie Awards Gifting Lounge at Montage Beverly Hills,
Thursday afternoon. Last night,
Chelsea and Joe were both at the Lakers game.
Hmm.... Först kysser Joe Chelsea i serien Jonas, and it was obviously
just acting MEN om det inte betydde något skulle Demi inte
vara sur. Nu har Joe gjort slut med Demi och ses nu med Chelsea Staub.
Is this another Camilla and Taylor Swft story?
2- åringen som röker :O
2-åringen röker – två paket om dagen
LONDON. Ardi Rizal, 2, fick en första cigarett av sin pappa när han var 18 månader gammal.
Nu röker pojken 40 cigaretter om dagen.
Lokala myndigheter har erbjudit familjen en ny bil om de ser till att pojken slutar röka, men föräldrarna tvekar eftersom Ardi blir rasande om han inte får cigaretter.
– Han är fullständigt beroende. Om han inte får cigaretter blir han arg och skriker och dunkar huvudet mot väggen. Han säger att han känner sig yr och mår dåligt, säger mamma Diana enligt Daily Mail.
Pappa Mohammed, 30, vill inte hålla med om att rökning skulle vara dåligt för sonen.
– Han ser rätt hälsosam ut tycker jag. Jag förstår inte problemet, säger han.
July issue 2010
Wizards news!
Justin, Alex and Max Russo are coming back —
not just in a fourth season, but a second movie too!
Selena Gomez, David Henrie, Jake T. Austin and
Jennifer Stone will be reprising their roles as sibling wizards and their live-in
best friend on the fourth season of Wizards of Waverly Place, Disney Channel
announced today.
But we won’t just be finding out who will ultimately
win the title of family wizard — we’ll also see another movie from the popular
franchise! Dan Berendsen, who wrote the first Wizards movie, is writing
the second movie script right now.
And don’t worry, Gregg Sulkin
will be back too ;)
Justin suprises fan
Justin Bieber surprises contest winner Lauren Kososki
with a bouquet of flowers in NYC on Thursday afternoon (June 3).
Lauren won the “Be Justin’s Valentine” 1-800-FLOWERS contest
as part of their Summer of Smiles.
Justin tweeted earlier, “Got to surprise one of the winners from
my @1800flowers bieber bouquet. Got to deliver the flowers to her myself
and sing her a song. Lauren in Rochester is the girl who won. She was real
cool and we even did an interview 2gether that will b on Entertainment Tonight.”
Jag vill också få blommor av Justin :(<3
Message from Miley
Miley Cyrus has taken to her official site to clear up all the rumors
about her and beau Liam Hemsworth parting ways.
The 17-year-old actress wrote, “Just wanna clear up a
rumor. Liam and I did not break. EVER! We are so happy and
alot of that has to do with the amazing relationship he has with my family.
We are both so busy right now, so having them
by our side supporting us and our career is such a blessing!
Miley finished up, “So any type of rumor that said
there was drama with them is completely false. Thanks for letting me
clear that up. :)”
Nick landed in London
Rare pictures of Seldemi
Don´t stop following me.
Förlåt! Jag vet att jag har haft en jättedålig uppdatering men från och med nu så skall jag uppdatera så mycket som jag kan :(
Miley in Notting hill
Justin on school
Justin Bieber interview with New Zealand's Coupe De Main Magazine.
Justin has a 4.0 GPA: 'If I was at home, I'd be homeschooled. I'm away-schooled.
I have a tutor [Jenny] that travels with me. And we do school every morning, just
keep up on studies and stuff. I don't really
have a favorite subject to be honest, because I don't really love
school. But English, if I had to choose, English would be my favourite
Will he come back to New Zealand?
'I don't know when, but I will come back.'
Will Justin date a NZ girl?
On haters: 'I don't really deal with it, because I don't really
pay attention to it.'
Bilder från Mileys privata show
Emma roberts- 'i would show my butt on the camera'
Emma Roberts chatted with The Times about whether she would go nude and how often she smokes: 'I would show my back and my butt on camera, but I would never go topless. Going topless is so tasteless, and I prefer to leave all that stuff to people’s imagination.' On being in the spotlight:
'You feel very adult, sitting in London with a glass of wine, but because you’re not allowed to do it in LA, it is seen as bad.' On her smoking habits: 'It’s just kind of tough that I’m not allotted any room to make mistakes. I smoke occasionally. But because it’s me, it’s like, ‘Oh my God! You’re a terrible influence’.'
Miley- 'My songs are about love'
JONAS photoshoot
Vissa JoBro fans vill ha mer JONAS mindre Bieber.
här är några kommentarer:
"Jag brukade köpa POPSTAR tidningar varje månad för Jonas Brothers affischer,
men nu är det bara Bieber överallt. Jag är säker på att fler skulle köpa tidningen för
Jonas Brothers. Jag menar, alla gillar inte Bieber -.-"
och en annan
"miiiiiiiiiiindre Justin Bieber och mer Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!
och en annan
"Jag är trött på Bieber"
och en annan...
se stora JONAS ansikten på affischerna. Och föressten är Bieber inte så snygg."
ja, det finns många klagomål. Håller ni med. inte jag iaf. I mean, I LOVE the jobros, men jag ÄLSKAR justin oxå, och han är VISST så snygg. Och det finns fortfarande kvar Jonas.
Miley på spansk tv show 31 maj
Jag vet att det är svårt att höra med rösten som pratar samtidigt som Miley men man får göra sitt bästa. :)
Miley covergirl+fan pix
Miley presents I can't be tamed in SPAIN
Oops, man ser lite där ;) (BH:n alltså)
Miley- 'Liam and I are alright'
Everything alright with Liam? 'Yes..' I wasn't asking you about
your relationship with him. It's because in the film you two have a
passionate kiss that looks very real. 'I believe in spontaneous kiss.
But in the movie is all planned in detail. We shot that scene for two days
because we needed the light that was between 6:00 and 6:20 PM. As it is a
story of Sparks, the Love is portrayed better than it is in real life. I believed in
fairy tales as a kid, but not anymore. I have feelings, I have a heart, but I'm
not romantic.'
Vackraste Miley bilderna <3
Selena tops STYLE LIST
:o OFTA! Taylor kan inte komma före Demi. JAG älskar iaf Demis stil
New message from Selena
Happy Memorial Day! Here in Budapest
we are working
on the movie, I wanted to stop in and say hello and let you all know
that I finished the music video this weekend and cannot wait for you
guys to see it. Below is some more behind the scene videos of the upcoming
movie Ramona and Beezus out July 23.