Selena 's DailyMail interview. ‘Although I love my music, I definitely [a favourite word] want to be challenged as an actress, I want to do intense roles that will put me in a whole different place. I’m trying to make the transition into grown-up films, so I’m taking baby steps into more adult roles by moving from family to teen movies, and I’m very honored and excited to be working with Nicole.’
On her sexual purity ring: ‘Rather not talk about my purity ring because I never want to put any pressure on my fans, the ring is not important for anyone else but myself’. But my ideal would be to not be known for who I’m dating, because eventually that’s all you will be known for.
It’s hard, because people are curious about who’s in my life, but I want to be known for my work. And I never want to view myself as any different or any better than anyone else. If I wanna go eat at a little restaurant that isn’t fancy, I’ll do it. If I wanna go without make-up and not care what I look like, I will.
The problem for tweens and teens is that a lot of them want to appease other people. I remember how I used to dress a specific way for one boy, with my shirt tucked in, very formal, because I wanted to appease him. And boys are the one thing on every girl’s mind.’
Nicole är född i Rochester, Indiana år 1990 och fyller år 29 Augusti. Hon är mest känd för sin roll i serien JONAS där hon spelar Macy Misa. Den första serien Nicole gästade i är Fullt hus, hon var bara 2 år gammal. Innan hon blev känd tävlade hon i gymnastik
Hon vann två statliga och ett nationellt mästerskap.
Nicole fick ett stipendium till en modellskola när hon vid 13års åldern. Hon studerade skådespeleri. Hon har varit med i många annonser, t.o.m MK och Ashley Olsens online kläder!
Efter det har Nicole fått ett fåtal roller i serier som Unfabulous, Zoey 101, Hannah Montana, och filmen Prinsessan (Bild från Zoey 101)
Liten flicka gråter över JONAS, på ett dåligt sätt?
Nick JOnas chattade med Radio Disney om en liten flicka som var rasande över att Jonas Brothers skulle filma JONAS i en Coulor Me Mine affär. "Jag sitter där ute när två små flickor och deras pappa kommer och tror att de kommer spendera sin dag en underbar dag på Coulor Me Mine.
Personen vid dörren säger då "Tyvärr men vi filmar idag" och den här flickan börjar bara gråta, "Du förstörde mitt liv!!" Hon fick veta att det var JONAS som vi filmade så jag tänkte "Åh, det kanske hjälper!" Men hon bara grät, "Jag HATAR den showen!!"
New SEXY Miley Cyrus is MORE inappropriate than Taylor Momsen because Taylor didn't try to 'cultivate a religious good-girl image' like Miley did. According to E! Online: 'So when Cyrus spends a few seconds with a stripper pole, or poses in a Vanity Fair shoot that makes her look half-nekkid, or does a video in little more than a black rubber leotard-looking thing and some bird feathers, people are going to call her out. Not for being a teenage slut, either, but for being a hypocrite.'
Debby Ryan cradles her new puppy in her arms in this brand-new video .
The 17-year-old actress is calling all her fans and Twitter followers to help her out — in deciding on a name for the little guy.
Some of the options Debby and her family have weighed are: Presley, Archie, Spin, Thor, Berkeley, Quinn the Eskimo, Lennon, Charley, Sheldon, Benny, or just Little Man.
Justin Bieberhas been accused of swearing on the Australian morning show Sunrise when he allegedly told a member of the production team ‘don’t ever f****** touch me again’ when he was told where to perform.
Justin denied allegations on Twitter. But Sunrise cohost David Koch claimed that Justin needed 'a slap.. We had him on and he was a thoroughly nice bloke.. really decent guy. Our floor manager was directing him to where he was about to perform and he turned around to (the floor manager) Nick and said: 'Don’t ever f****** touch me again.' ‘And then [Bieber's] sound guy said 'don't take offence mate he tells us that all the time'. Koch declared that someone should give Justin a‘bit of a slap’. According to Daily Telegraph, seven other employees supported his statement.TROR NI ATT DET ÄR SANT??!
Jag tror inte på det här, det låter inte som en grej han skulle säga och göra
“Hey Everybody, I feel like it has been forever since I have stopped in and said Hello to you all. I hope everyone is doing well. The movie here has been great, having so much fun shooting this and making some wonderful new friends while doing it. I have some pictures that I have not had a chance to get downloaded but, as soon as I do I will send you some pictures.
“Of course, I have a bunch of updates but, one is a little more exciting then the rest at the moment. As I am sure you have seen below D.O.L. (Dream Out Loud) facebook page has been launched!!!! I also have some news about the second album…
“June 18th premiere of ‘Round and Round’ the first single of the 2nd album will premiere on Radio Disney. June 20th premiere of the music video of ‘Round and Round’ will on air Disney Channel (I am shooting that music video this weekend in Budapest). June 22nd “Round and Round” will be available for download on itunes. Our 2nd album (No titled yet) will be released on…….. September 28th!!!”
Miley Cyrus dropped $3,000 on sexy lingerie recently. A source close to Miley told The Enquirer: 'Miley is rebelling big time. Her parents hit they roof when they saw the pictures of her gyrating on Adam Shankman's lap [at the wrap party for The Last Song]. Her dad Billy Ray is livid because he fears Miley's behavior .. going to cost her the wholesome 'Hannah Montana' audience that catapulted her sitcom.'Plus the $3,000 that Miley recently spent on lingerie, prove she's anxious to ditch her 'Hannah Montana' alter ego. The lingerie she bought was more 'Sex and the City' than 17-year-old stuff.'
UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez will return as Trick-or-Treat For UNICEF spokesperson this fall. For 60 years Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF has served as The Original Kids Helping Kids campaign for generations of American children providing them with the most impactful way of making a difference in the lives of the world’s children. Children across the nation were inspired.. collect coins for UNICEF to aid kids recovering from World War II. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF pioneered service learning by educating young people about their peers in developing countries all around the world and engaging them in hands-on activities to raise awareness and much needed funds.
Selena, 'For American children and parents, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF offers an impactful way to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF was created to support UNICEF, which has saved more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world.'
Usher blev känd när han var ung och hans mentor var P Diddy. Nu är han själv mentor åt Justin. "Jag ger honom inte samma tips som P Diddy gav mig.. sex, droger och alkohol funkar inte riktigt med Justins image. Han är påväg mot rätt riktining, jag har sagt åt honom att inte göra något jag gjorde."
Usher fick se Justins youtubeklipp 2008 och arrangerade ett möte. "Han var extremt talangfull. Han har rösten, personligheten. Om han prövar lite nya saker när det gäller musiken, kommer han b li ännu bättre" berättade Usher när han var med The Kylie And Jackie O Show.
Joe Jonas about Demi breakup: 'Demi and I knew going into our romantic relationship that it may not be an easy one. I realize over the time we have shared together that I feel I care more about our friendship right now. It was my choice to break up but I love her as a friend. She's been there for me when I needed her. I will continue to be her friend and be there for her.'
Demi- There are so many crazy rumors flying around today. I'd like to clear a few things up. First, Joe and I did split but it wasn't over the phone. Things didn't work out but we'll remain friends. Secondly, I am NOT dating anybody already. Nothing is more important to me than the relationship I have with my fans.. Just thought you guys should know this.
Han har fått oss alla att stå och gapa med vidöppna ögon när vi hörde hans röst för första gången. Nick har en unik röst och det finns, såklart, vissa "haterz" som är avundsjuka på alla vackra flickvänner
och alla underbara fans
De är avundsjuka för de vet att de aldrig kommer att få ens en 10000 del av alla tjejer som förföljer honom. Nick har, redan som en 17 åring blown the world... away.
Jonas Brothers new interview with Macleans: Being stuck with each other all the time, how do you get along? 'I think we kind of got past that once we realized it was very unproductive and nothing really got done when we were fighting. And so I think that we choose to have respect for each other, not only for our time that we’ve worked together, but also just as brothers. And I think that’s important.'
Since you and Demi are now publicly dating, how do you think that this tour will be different for you touring with your girlfriend: Joe, 'I think we’d like to stick to questions about the music or the touring please.' Kevin on his love Danielle: 'This will be the first time I’ve toured as a married man, so it should be a little bit different. It’s very exciting, new, we don’t know exactly what the accommodations are going to be, if we’re going to have our own bus, all that stuff.'
How do you feel about the rising young stars who are coming behind you, like Justin Bieber? 'It’s not offensive at all. It’s definitely something we think about. But I think with all of the younger people that are coming up, we wish the best for them, and Justin Bieber in particular.
We’ve had the opportunity to meet him a couple of times and speak with him and he’s entering into a whole new world and really being thrown into it all and we hope the best for him, we think he’s doing a great job so far.'
Can you hear on stage with all the screaming girls? 'We speak a little bit louder probably because we’ve lost a little hearing over these few years. I honestly don’t really like to use them [Ear monitors] that much because I like to hear the audience as much as I can because it kind of gives me an energy that’s exciting for me.'
Iyaz has defended Miley Ray Cyrus’ sexy new look. He told Daily Star: 'Miley is very normal and would sit in the studio spitting paper at people through a straw. Life is way tougher for her than me. People forget how young she is but they also forget that she’s a human being. If she wants to change her look, she should.
Iyaz recorded a duet with Miley on the last Hannah Montana album: 'It’s a crazy high energy song which I wrote some of & Miley wrote her part, then the Swedish producers got in on it. I did not think our voices would blend but they did. It’s amazing. Photographers jumped out of a hedge outside the studio when she arrived. I was shocked but that is every day for her, it can be scary stuff.'
The American Music Festival in Daytona Beach, Florida announced that Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, Carrie Underwood, Christina Aguilera and more will perform at eight major concert events this summer outside at the Bandshell on the beach.
After the major concerts in June at the Bandshell, it will expand to shows at the Ocean Center, Peabody Center and Main Street. Daytona Beach has committed $125,000 to promote it. The city has given hundreds of thousands for music events before, with little return, but said the organization is different this time: 'We've committed money to beer parties that had a music element involved. This is going to be the highest-quality music entertainment we can have.'
Nick Jonas interview with Associated Press. On JONAS LA: 'The changes are amazing. It's such an improvement from last season. We're so happy with the new direction. We feel very happy with it and we're very proud of it.'
Nick may perform Administration songs on the Jonas Brothers tour: 'They both come naturally for me. Both projects are things that I'm passionate about.' Nick along with Bayer give grants to those who, like him, are living with diabetes: 'We can share what we've learned so far and hopefully let other young people with diabetes know it's going to be all right, they can live out their dreams and do what they want in life, even living with diabetes.'
A fan of the New York Yankees and the Dodgers, Nick has been playing third base for the Jonas Brothers' softball team: 'I'm working on some baseball training right now. Basically, from the time the World Series ended until now, I've been training and doing a lot of things to get ready for our next season this summer.'
Så glad att Miley gör det hon vill som att pierca och tatuerarsig utan om att bry sig att alla andra säger att hon är en dålig förebild. Det är faktiskt inte hon som är barnens föräldrar. De ska vara förebilderna, inte miley.
Justin wants to bulk up his small frame, so he has hired Taylor Lautner's trainer Jordan Yuam. Justin is impressed with how he has helped Taylor transform his body. The insider to Enquirer: 'Justin’s positive he has the intensity and focus to get the same results as Taylor. He’s already a megastar at 16, now he wants the physique to go with it. He wants ripped abs, bulging biceps, and cut thighs.'
Justin is 5'5" and weighs just 130 lbs: 'Since Justin is often on the road, he and Jordan connect for supervised workouts online through iChat or Skype. Jordan also ordered Justin to give up fast food and put him on a high-protein diet rich in good fats from nuts and avocados.' Justin is regularly taking protein shakes and works out with a mix of boxing, jogging and free weight training daily.
Ashley Tisdale, looking fierce with a sassy up do and wearing white crocheted top/ baggy beige pants, stepped out of her Mercedes G550 with her fluffy dog Maui and headed into a voiceover studio in LA, Friday.
Kevin Jonas and his wife Danielle, who have been married for 5 months, are already sleeping in separate beds. A friend of the couple told In Touch that the problem is not marital troubles it's Kevin's snoring:
'Kevin and Danielle had never spent a night together until their wedding night, so she had no clue that he snores so loudly. She loves her husband, but now she sleeps in a guest room when he gets too noisy. They are still crazy about each other. But the snoring has become a big joke for their friends.'
Joe Jonas is working on a solo album, has confirmed.
“Yeah, there’s nothing to hide,” the 20-year-old Jonas Brother EXCLUSIVELY told JJJ yesterday in New York City while promoting Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. “We’re just waiting for the right timing. There’s a lot of Jonas stuff going on this year so once there’s a place for that record, we’ll release it.
Demi Lovato wears a fashion forward pair of Rock & Republic “Pandora” sandals with CHAIN detail while stepping out of her New York City hotel on Wednesday afternoon (May 19).
Check out the video of Demi below! MTV asks her if she’ll be able to keep up with the Jonas Brothers in the upcoming Camp Rock concert tour. “I always hold my own!” Demi exclaimed. “Get it straight! (laughs) I’m just kidding. It’ll be fun.
Hey! Tänkte bara säga att jag ska börja med en ny grej som heter veckans kändis, ni får såklart gärna kommentera och ge förslag. Kommentera också om ni vill ha veckans kändis, för jag vet att jag har många besökare som inte kommenterar bara :) <3
Joe Jonas chatted with Zap2it about the Camp Rock Tour and girlfriend Demi Lovato going to prom: 'We're going on tour this summer again as the Jonas Brothers, which is going to be fun for us. I'm going to bring Demi Lovato out with us. It's going to be a lot of different cities. There are more cities on this tour than any other tour we've done. So we're looking forward to getting on the road again.
We've been wanting to go so bad. The best thing about this tour is that there's no break. We had to take a break to film 'Camp Rock' last year and that was really fun for us, but this time we get to just tour straight through the end of the year. For us, that's something to look forward to.'
Why didn't Joe go to prom with Demi and her best friend Nolan? 'I thought it'd be a little weird if I went and she already had a date. She's bringing one of her best friends, so that's really cool. I did get her a car, though.' Will Nick & Kevin bring respective ladies on tour with them? Nick laughed, 'No respective lady for me.'. Kevin said: 'My wife will be joining us on the road and it will be awesome.'
Demi Lovato interview with HollywoodNews. What are you learning from Joe as your love grows? Well, not all the discoveries have been easy because like any relationship you go through times and our relationship is in front of everyone so it’s a little difficult, but for the most part we’re finding out how close we are and how alike we are and how long we want to be together. It’s amazing to be able to find someone this incredible at a young age.
When did you realize that he was more than a friend? I’d always had feelings for him and I’d always been attracted to him, but I always thought that it could never happen because we were best friends. Then the timing was right and we just went for it. We’ve just been enjoying it ever since. Timing is everything.
Do you think about expanding your audience like doing Grey’s Anatomy? I think anybody who is an actor or an actress or a musician always thinks about how they can make themselves aware to other people. To me, the roles that I grew up learning how to play were roles like the Grey’s Anatomy character.
I was 13 and I did an acting seminar in front of an agent and the role that got me an agent was playing Angelina Jolie’s character in Girl, Interrupted. So that’s what I was used to playing and that’s what I always wanted to play. Disney Channel provided me with amazing opportunities that I couldn’t pass up and I learned how to adapt to playing those roles too.
Justin Bieber has been nominated for Best New Artist & Selena Gomez for the Young Stars Award at the 10th Annual BET Awards. Queen Latifah will host the show from the Shrine Auditorium in LA Sunday, June 27, 2010 @ 8:00 PM on BET and via live stream on Jay-z leads the pack with 5 nominations, followed by Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Trey Songz and Melanie Fiona.
Justin Bieber may star in the 'Valentine's Day' sequel 'New Year's Eve'. Director Garry Marshall is trying to cast Justin for the December 9, 2011 film. He told MTV: 'Already, they're mentioning Justin Bieber. I have no idea who that is, but I'm sure we'll meet. I have a script. I did a rewrite. We're rewriting it now.
It's supposed to shoot in New York in September. It's supposed to be a similar cast of a number of stars. It's written like that, but we hope to get all new stars except for Hector Elizondo, who has to be in all my movies. So he's gonna play a guy you'll never recognize.'
I hear they keep mentioning this Justin Bieber. Perhaps I'd better see who he is, so when he arrives on set, possibly [we can talk]. So we'll see.' Do YOU think Justin should become a movie star or stick to music?
Demi Lovato chatted with People about spending the entire summer with her boyfriend Joe Jonas on tour: 'I'm fortunate that I get to work with the person that I'm in the relationship with. Rather than being across the country and texting him, I can have him hold my hand when I'm tired.' They met filming Camp Rock:
'We weren't together at the time. So, it was just working with my best friend. It was awesome. And now that we're in a relationship, it's even better, because we may be tired, but we have each other to be there.' Is Joe happy having Demi on tour: 'It's going to be really exciting. Touring with Demi is going to be a lot of fun. It'll be different this time, but it will be fun.' Photo: GSI Media.
Nick Jonas chatted with E!'s Ted Casablancas about 'the new Miley' at The Young Hollywood Awards. Nick's response on what he thinks about sexy new Miley: 'She's a good friend. So.. ya, that's what's important.
Demi has declared her love for Joe Jonas. She spilled to Us Magazine: 'Every time that I've started to date someone, I've had private relationships, and there's just so much stress trying to hide it and keep it quiet, that if you just come out and say. 'Ok, we're together,' you don't have to worry about keeping it such a secret.
It was not only scary coming out to the public eye, but also the people who we work with, the people who are going to be on tour with us all summer, who are obviously nervous, because you never know what can happen. But, I think ultimately, everyone who knows us knows that we'll always be best friends, no matter what happens. We've always had an incredible bond, an incredible
..friendship. He knows me better than I know myself, and I know him better than he knows himself. There's been so many times where if it wasn't for our fans, I don't know if we'd be together, because they've opened up my eyes to seeing, because I thought I was the only one who had a crush. And then I would see Jemi videos online, and feel like, 'Oh my gosh! Maybe there is something.''
Future Presidential hopeful Nick Jonas went Washington, DC today to film a special program for the Disney Channel with Michelle Obama about living a healthy lifestyle. The White House told POLITICO that Obama is working..
..with Disney on a few projects as part of the Let's Move! Initiative 'to carry the message of healthy living to young people and their families.' Nick, who suffers from diabetes, has traveled to DC several times in the past year to talk about juvenile diabetes.
Justin Gaston revealed his thoughts on ex-girlfriend Miley Ray Cyrus' sexy new music video 'Can't Be Tamed'. He told OK! 'I really didn’t think it was that bad. I thought it was really cool. It’s shot really well and she looks really good.' Justin added about Miley, who is currently in love with new man Liam Hemsworth: 'We still talk. We’re still friends.'
Justin Bieber has the time of his life on stage as he performs at KIIS FM’s 2010 Wango Tango concert held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Saturday afternoon (May 15).
The 16-year-old entertainer performed his well-known hits “Baby,” “One Less Lonely Girl,” and “One Time.” Check out one of his performances below!
According to MTV, Justin started his seven-song set with “Love Me,” an ode to the ’90s greatness of the Cardigans‘ “Lovefool.” He also performed a cover of Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way.”
det är för att du uppdaterar så ofta nu! Jag följer dig via bloglovin och ju fler inlägg du gör, desto oftare öppnar jag inlägg och du får fler sidvisningar eller vad det nu räknas som! Tack för en underbar blogg!
Tack så mycket! Det är sånna kommentarer som får mig att le! <3
Demi Lovato looks over her shoulder as she arrives at the Disney and ABC Television Group Summer press junket at ABC in Burbank, Calif., on Saturday afternoon (May 15).
The 17-year-old “Here We Go Again” singer spent some time with her buds The Jonas Brothers before heading back to Texas to keep a kindergarten promise to her friend Nolan: PROM!
Demi tweeted a pic with her in a lovely red number, saying, “A promise made in kindergarten finally coming true.. Prom with @nolannard!!!”
Det här är typ de vackrast bilderna på Demi ever! <3
Taylor Swift looks like she’s ready for summer in a simple white boho dress as she stops by the Rugby Ralph Lauren store in NYC on Saturday afternoon (May 15).
She even wore a pair of Ralph Lauren sunglasses out of the store!
It was just announced that the 20-year-old songstress will be awarded the Hal David Starlight Award on Thursday, June 17!
The award honors songwriters at a high point in their careers who are impacting the industry with songs they’ve written themselves. Phil Collins (Lily’s dad) and music producer Phil Ramone also will receive special awards at the event.
Sexy siren Miley Ray Cyrus will be performing @ Heaven. Saturday, June 5, 2010 at 10:30 PM End Time: Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 5:00 AM Location: Heaven Street: Under The Arches, Off Villier Street City: London.She Can’t Be Tamed She’s Been Partying In The USA.
Now After selling 15 million records worldwide & 5 chart topping album, The PARTYING In The USA Stops & The Partying @ G-A-Y. Saturday 5th June Put The date in your diaries for a UK Exclusive Performance MILEY CYRUS How apt to release her new album & single Can't Be Tamed at the same time.. ..of performing at G-A-Y. I Can Almost See It, That Dream I Am Dreaming, But There’s A Voice In My Head Saying MILEY CYRUS is at G-A-Y.
Acclaimed parenting expert Joe Kelly told TMZ that 'Miley Cyrus is the latest in a distressingly long line of girl celebrities launched on a trajectory where they are marketed as hypersexualized objects.' Kelly added:
'It's easy to blame the parents' but believes 'corporate marketers' should be held accountable for things like 'marketing precocious sexuality to young boys and girls.' Who should be accountable for sexy Miley: Miley, parents or Disney?
Brenda Song chatted with Hollywood Life about going the awards show with Trace Cyrus: 'He is a friend that is a boy.' Trace joked: 'I don’t even know her.' Brenda on Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato dating: 'It’s awesome. I always said that to any one of my friends, if they are happy and wanted to date Santa Clause or whoever it is, as long as they are happy that is all that matters.' Will they double date with Miley and Liam? Brenda laughed: 'If Miley will let us!'
Vi älskaratt efter alla galna outfits, masker och skor vi har sett Lady Gaga i kan hon fortfarande överraska oss med något nytt. Igår var hon på en välgörenhetsgala för att stödja en insamling till regnskogarna och hon bar denna minst sagt häpnadsväckade huvudbonad... eller mask? Ja, vi vet faktiskt inte hur vi ska beskriva den men vi diggar henne så!
Miley Cyrus är i blåsväder igen efter att en video där hon gör en lapdance på en fest för hennes senaste film "The last song" kommit ut. På filmen kan man se Miley dansa sin heta dans framför sin regissör Adam Shankman och föräldrarna till Mileys unga fans är självklart mycket chockade och menar att Miley hamnat på fel spår och blivit en "bad girl" igen! Mileys pappa, BillyRay Cyrus, vill att alla ska lugna ner sig lite och menar att Miley bara hade kul, på samma sätt som många unga tjejer i hennes ålder har, och att han är mycket stolt över sin dotter på alla sätt och vis. Härligt och höra! Folk måste lugna sig lite!
We just had our final HM table read. Wow. I can’t believe it is coming to an end. I started this show as a 12 year old girl from Nashville with dreams bigger than I could handle alone! I am so blessed to have had Disney take me under their wing and lead me to where I am today!
The producers, writers, cast, and crew have been my rock for the last 5 years. Knowing I won’t see them everyday is really hard wrap my head around. I’ve had the same routine since 7th grade and I will be graduating at the end of this year.
Every day I have school with Emily, lunch with Jason, Moises and I play with the dogs, and I get to work with all of these people that I love so much. Wow. Wow. Wow. All of this is just beginning to sink in. I will miss Hannah Montana so much.
International mega pop star Justin Bieber does not think his fan are obsessed despite huge stampedes and fans breaking bones when he tries to perform and the death threats they send his friends.
Justin told CNN: 'They're not too obsessed. Nah, you know, I think my fans are really supportive and I'm glad that I have really devoted fans. You know, I guess they do what they gotta do.
It's been pretty amazing and I'm really glad that I've just been able to do what I love," Bieber said. I'm really glad that I get to travel the world and like I said, just do what I love to do.' Justin is consistently a trending topic on Twitter.
As some of you guys know, Nashville is under water. It's suffering from horrible flooding and it's the worst storm that they ever have in the history of the city. Taylor called into the WSMV Telethon in Nashville today and announced that she will be donating $500,000 to various flood relief organizations in the city. How sweet is that?! Words can't describe how amazing she is, she has such a big heart! <3 Read below for more info:
Taylor Swift has a huge heart for her fans, but an even bigger heart for those in need. Taylor called into the WSMV Telethon in Nashville and announced her donation of half a million dollars for flood relief! What a generous donation! Many of the artists themselves have been affected by this terrible, natural disaster. We encourage you to give what you can! Large or small we can come together to help rebuild Nashville!
Also, Taylor's management is donating signed "Fearless" Platinum covers for our auction!
Pop drottningen Lady Gaga hade en fullmatade helg i Stockholm. Förutom dubbla konserter i Globen hann hon bland annat med att festa på Stureplan. Men en stor del av tiden spenderade hon på rummet på Grand Hôtel. När hon lämnade hotellet i fredags var hon eskorterad av sex vakter. - Hon lämnade sedan Globen vid 23-tiden och åkte till Café Beirut jagad av papparazzi och autografjägare i klasar, säger Stefan Reinerdahl, fotograf som följt stjärnan under helgen. Efter ett kortare nattklubbsbesök på Collage avslutade Gaga fredagsnatten med att åka tillbaka till hotellet vid 03-tiden. Även på lördagen stannade stjärnan på hotellet fram till konserten. Sedan lämnade hon Globen för en middag på Le Rouge i Gamla Stan.
... En dag efter att Joe och Chelsea Staub filmade the "kissing scene" till Jonas så slutade Demi följa Chelsea på Twitter? AAajjj! Men jag tycker ärligt talat att Joe passar med Chelsea mer än Jemi. Vad tycker ni?
Yayy!! :) Jag ska se Mileys och hennes pojkvän Liam Hemsworth nya film! Undrar om det blir en Miley Hemsworth snart? Miley Ray Cyrus låter MYCKET bättre, Miley Hemsworth... Nä! Jag har träningpå fredagen också, så vi får se hur det går... :/
Men jag hoppas att det går bra. Jag (jag) ska gå tillsammans
Selena Gomez has ruled out rumors she’s dating Nick Jonas and insists, “I’m dating myself”. When asked about her allegedly boyfriend, the 17-year-old said, “I’m single very much single.” She continued, “I’m trying to tackle everything — which is good because I’m young and I really should kind of date myself for a while — I should probably focus on myself a little bit.” Selena also said she’s not competing with fellow stars Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato, “I will totally, completely speak for myself on this one, I don’t know them very well, so I don’t know how they would… but I’m saying that I’m very lucky and that I love what I do, so there’s no room for competition for me,” said the WOWP star. “I just want to continue to do what I’m doing and I shouldn’t really focus on what everyone else doing, and enjoy what I’m doing.”